Life's Lessons...the journey begins

I have always wanted to start a blog. Not that I feel that I have anything extrodinary to say but life is extrodinary in itself. I like to write and I often forget what happens from one day to next. This is my account. These are my life's lessons...

Thursday, April 28, 2011

New Adventure; Mom's on the Run

Last Tuesday, I had my first meeting with a group of women.  Together we form, Moms on the Run. 

Recently, I did a course called, The year of no regrets.  During the course we had to create a life list. I put run a 5k as one of the 75 items on my life list.  I don’t even know why - it was more of a whim than anything.  Possibly because after smoking most of my life and quitting 2 ½ years ago – I believed that I finally COULD run 5k if I wanted and not die - LOL.

Of course, this was just one of many items on my life list but as I am well aware – what I bring to my awareness – I bring to my life. 

Shortly thereafter, I was just sitting on the couch reading the local paper when I saw the ad for Moms on the Run.  A group of women (mostly moms) who train with a  trainer all summer in various groups/in various cities and then run a 5k at the end of summer in MY HOMETOWN of New Brighton.  Coincidence?  I didn’t think so!  I signed up lightning fast and have officially started this crazy journey. 

Currently, I am busy gathering my cheerleaders!

We did our first interval run on Tuesday and  will do it again on Saturday (it’s twice a week from here on out - with other cardio/strength days and rest days mixed in). The muscle below my butt cheek and thigh is still sore – which I think is cool because I do Zumba usually three - four times a week and I thought I was using that muscle but I guess not!

I asked Paul for a professional shoe fitting for Mother’s Day and we went last night to The Running Gate in Lakeville.  I now have a "sparkly" pair of Brookes (and socks and compression pants). 

Now I am hoping for some sunshine!

Friday, April 8, 2011


I am trying a new experiment in which I ask directly for what I want and then see what I get.  This past Wednesday I had a wisdom tooth extracted.  I have a total of four bosses..yup four!  I am somewhat tethered to them 24/7 by my beloved company provided Droid.  On Tuesday night I sent them all a text that said something like, "Just a reminder, tomorrow is my tooth extraction - don't send me anything but flowers ($ is acceptable as well."

I returned to work on Friday and these beauts were on my desk and no related work requests texts were sent in the meantime:

Not a bad start!