Life's Lessons...the journey begins

I have always wanted to start a blog. Not that I feel that I have anything extrodinary to say but life is extrodinary in itself. I like to write and I often forget what happens from one day to next. This is my account. These are my life's lessons...

Sunday, September 18, 2011

A chance to give

On October 9, I will be volunteering with Running for Soles.  You can help even if one of your best skills is shopping! If that is the case, please consider picking up a pair (or two) of NEW shoes and getting them to me by 10/9 - I would be happy to drop them off for you. The goal is 1,000 pairs of shoes.

If you are a runner, please consider running this 5k - you can also walk or crawl it!

Here is more information from the press release:
of Tanzania who are at high risk of being infected by parasites that enter through their feet. The goal of
this 5k is to build awareness and funds around this devastating issue and to gather at least

The shoes will be delivered by a missions team who is visiting Tanzania in, who has made it their mission to reach out to those who85% of the Villagers in the Mlangali area
Tanzania 5k >
Run, Walk or Crawl the Tanzania 5k on Sunday, October 9th - By yourself or with friends & family.
Sunday - October, 9th, 2011
$20/person or $40/family
Como Park
Before September 20th (or add $5)
5K Start:
2pm Registration
There will be food and drink provided after the 5K along with a band and other planned activities.
Donations >>
We welcome new shoes or funds that will be used to purchase shoes (see drop off locations on our
website). All funds will go to the people of Tanzania to purchase shoes. Our goal is to get at least 1,000
Volunteer >>>
We are in need of volunteer support in a variety of ways. If you are interested in supporting us in any
way please email Jennifer Petersen: or call 612/636.0139
This project is lead by theAlley (
need love, support and in this case shoes! One of the team members who will be visiting Tanzania this
October is Peggy; this will be Peggy’s 4th time visiting Tanzania and seeing the need first hand. Below are
a few words from Peggy around why she is so passionate about this cause.

“On my first visit to Tanzania a local Pharmacist told me that
suffer from intestinal worms that enter through the people’s feet... I not only want to see the people in
Tanzania survive, I want to see them thrive! To have children be able to focus on education and not the
pain in their bellies and to have Mothers not be afraid to let their children play outside for fear of worms
invading their bodies... I want to see adults strong enough to work, not too weak to move because they are
filled with parasites.”

Sunday, October 9th 2011 local supporters will gather at Como Park for a 5k to support the people1,000 pairs of.