Life's Lessons...the journey begins

I have always wanted to start a blog. Not that I feel that I have anything extrodinary to say but life is extrodinary in itself. I like to write and I often forget what happens from one day to next. This is my account. These are my life's lessons...

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

A recommendated article for less stress and anxiety

Here is why I find this article especially interesting right now:  I am currently taking a science class, Physical Geology, to be exact. This class is the second most stressful class I have taken in my many years of taking classes.

There is a quiz in this class every single week. There are four exams including a midterm and a final. I have cried in this class on two occasions. My Professor is excellent. She has taught this material for years and she is PASSIONATE about it.

She has asked me on two occasions, what she can do to make the class more fun and less stressful. Both times, I replied, "Take away the tests." The truth is, this class would actually be fun, if I could just relax and not worry about memorizing everything.

My pattern:

Study…stress…quiz…stress…study…stress…test…stress. Repeat.

My Professor told me that there was NO WAY I could fail my class if I showed up every week and did the work. I decided that I needed to believe her.

I admit I am a student that likes to carry a 4.0 GPA. But I am also a person that feels stress in my body in the form of pain. I don't like pain. A couple of weeks ago, I was in so much pain that I put my books away for four straight days and concentrated on yoga, meditation and relaxing.   

I created a new pattern:

Study…believe…relax…quiz…study…believe…relax…test. Repeat.

Nothing has changed EXCEPT for the way I look at it. I am in charge either way. I feel better; no pain. 

I leave the quizzes and the tests for "future" Brenda. I don't carry the worry around with me. Today I may need to study or I may be done studying. The Brenda who shows up for the test will be prepared. I don't need to worry. The work is always done.

When I read this article, I recognized myself in it. I know others who would benefit from a little re-framing. I believe it's totally worth it. 

To read the article, click on the link below:

How to Reframe Your Stress & Anxiety Into Productivity

In love & light,
