Life's Lessons...the journey begins

I have always wanted to start a blog. Not that I feel that I have anything extrodinary to say but life is extrodinary in itself. I like to write and I often forget what happens from one day to next. This is my account. These are my life's lessons...

Friday, August 16, 2013

Seize the Day

Lately, I have found myself in a lot of mini-states of dread. On my to-do list, I have a bunch of things that I want to do along with a bunch of things that I love to do. But then, there are those other items that should get done or even have to get done. Some of those things are okay too, but some of those things I really don’t want to do at all. I call that a state of dread. Because I am stubborn and rebellious, I tend to put those things off even when they will only take me a couple of minutes. I just don’t want to [foot stamp].

Last Friday, I went into work and I felt instantly restless. Yes, I had some things that needed to be done there. I also had a list of personal errands running through my head. I looked at one of my bosses and said, “I have some errands to run today, so let’s wrap this up.”  Mind you, it was only 8:05am.  Lucky for me, I work with bosses that actually “get” me. Or at least they accommodate my whimsical playful spirit. I was practically bouncing in my chair. He set me free.
I quickly completed my errands and then I found myself with some delicious and rare free time.  The day was beautiful so I did what any crazy busy person would do; I headed to the peaceful Minnesota Landscape Arboretum…all by myself.

Here is what I discovered that day:

·         For me so much can depend on the weather

·         The sun is one my greatest joys, flowers are another

·         Slow down and breathe deep
·       When I am annoyed at someone it’s about me, not about them

·          Having no agenda is a gift

·         Getting lost can be soothing and off the beaten path is better than on it

·       When I do training runs at the Arboretum: I hate them because they are difficult, I love them because they are difficult (and beautiful)

Wonder © Ask © Listen © Be
Today is another beautiful Friday.  I am starting to bounce in my chair.  I have items on my to-do list.  I don’t want to be in dread. 
Focus © Do © Enjoy...

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Deep Breath

It’s true, I haven’t done so well getting my blog written.  I even had one very dear friend tell me that she removed me from her “favorites” on the basis of lack of activity or rather no activity.  In her defense, a couple of weeks prior, she did (somewhat) nonchalantly mention that she hadn’t seen a post from me in a while…a very long while. This blog is for her, with love.
My calendar is usually pretty full and there isn’t a lot of down time.  This drives my husband and sometimes my kids and close friends a little nuts.  My good friend *Rhonda described it perfectly when she wrote, “I am aware that for some, I need to slow down.” Wow, right?  I LOVED reading that line.  I wrote it down. I read it over and over because finally I knew that someone else gets it.
Just to be clear, I am not a “yes girl”.  I am very selective about what goes on my calendar. Usually, having my calendar full makes me feel joyful and enthusiastic. But every once in a while, I start to feel…well…exhausted.  This is exactly what happened to me a couple of months ago. 
Then one day, I opened up my calendar and I took a deep a breath (okay it was more of a gasp), and I deleted something. I felt a little space (deep breath), so I deleted something else and continued this process until I felt like I had a whole lot of space.  And then, I used the space to (get ready for this)…nap and just BE.
It was in that space that I remembered (quite vividly) a little panic attack that I had upon turning the age of forty.  The panic attack involved the thought that I had lived half of my life and that I still had so much to do and see. I decided right then and there that there was no more time to lose.  I had to get moving…I had to get doing. That was five years ago, no wonder I was tired. 
I am working on a little bit of a slowdown mode right now.  I am not very good at it. I was even a little worried about it so I consulted with Dr. Christi, my good friend and life coach.  After asking a few questions, she assured me that I am still working on growth and living in joy and that there are times when we just have to enjoy what we have created so far.
My calendar is still relatively full but I am trying to leave some breathing room and I think that it may take a little bit more time for me to master the balance (maybe this could be my goal). But here is what I have discovered so far:
Slowing down for me means deleting random emails that I know are invites for adventure (something I love) without reading them.  It means waiting 24 hours before committing to more.  It means looking at my calendar and really being mindful of back to back to back events.  It means slowing down my movements because time really does slow down when I am not rushing about. It means that things don’t have to be perfect. It means that it’s okay to be late or to leave early. It means that naps are acceptable and encouraged. It means that open space doesn’t have to be filled and blogs can wait.
It means that good enough really is good enough.   

Wishing you love, adventure and space.
~© Brenda

*Rhonda Scharf, CSP – For more information on Rhonda click here  
**Dr. Christi – For more information on Dr. Christi click here