Although I consider myself mostly extroverted, I am still extremely shy when it comes to an audience of any kind. So when I found out that neither Paul nor August would be able to come to my 5k due to a football tournament that same morning, I can't say that I felt let down. When any of my girlfriends offered to come, I begged them off. This was about me; for me.
I didn't sleep much the night prior; I knew I wouldn't. I woke up at 5:45am so that I could shower. I knew I would need another, but showering is how I wake up so I reluctantly figured in time for it. I had set out my running gear and packed a bagged the night before.
I turned the a/c on in the car on the way and cooled myself to the point of goosebumps. I kept thinking, what am I doing? Are you crazy? I had to keep reminding myself to breathe even before I started to run. I said hello to all the other Moms I had met and even met some new ones this day.
When it was time to line up, I lined up toward the back so that the more experienced runners wouldn't have to go around. I heard the starting gun and turned on my ipod. I ran. As I rounded the first corner I saw Karissa, Founder of Moms on the Run, and she cheered me on by name. Wow, that is cool I thought.
The race took place at Long Lake Regional Park in New Brighton, my hometown. I had been here before it was developed. It is beautiful and peaceful. I settled in. I passed other runners and other runners passed me but it didn't matter. At my age you realize that it really is the journey and not the destination. At my age, you try to slow things down.
The route was hilly but the weather was absolutely perfect; cool and partly cloudy. I didn't slow down until I rounded at the halfway point. I probably walked (on and off) for a total of a minute or two but tried to keep an even pace as much as I could.
When I rounded the final corner to the finish line there was clapping and cheering and Karissa again, cheering me on by name. I was close to tears at the amount of support I received from people I have not yet met. But I knew there could be no tears here, just another step, another step, another step. Things got a little blurry as they ripped off the bottom portion of my number so that they could input my time. I headed to the nearest tree and held on until my breathing returned to normal.
Then I stretched, grabbed a water bottle and headed to the bathroom to change for August's football game.
As I drove away I was thinking, this is not the end; it's only the beginning.
Yay! Go Mom! I feel the same way - I get way more nervous when there's an audience of people I know. :)