Life's Lessons...the journey begins

I have always wanted to start a blog. Not that I feel that I have anything extrodinary to say but life is extrodinary in itself. I like to write and I often forget what happens from one day to next. This is my account. These are my life's lessons...

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Decisions & Detours

Time is flying by and the month of discipline has come to an end.  I did okay but not good enough to move on.  I am keeping the goals of practicing piano at least 2.5 hours and cleaning up my diet.  I am starting to think that a month for a set of goals is one month too short.  It has been akin to me doing Zumba...just when I start to get the hang of changes.

I have also decided to put my violin savings and lessons on hold until I am further along into my piano lessons.  Instead, I am in search of my inner Nemo.  I have taken the money I was saving for the violin and purchased a new Speedo; probably the nicest swimsuit I have ever owned.  I spent an entire evening perusing  I looked at hundreds of suits and even took the time to read the reviews. I have owned my current suit for longer than I have known my husband I think. My new suit arrived yesterday and surprisingly, I love it.

I used the remaining money to sign myself up to begin Stroke Development mid April.  Yes, I can swim; after all I was raised in the land of 10,000 lakes. I realize though that I have a lot of room for form improvement.  I can't stand chlorine but I know the benefits are endless.  I have been told that it will make me a better runner, I have also been told that it is the most efficient way to exercise because it hits all of the muscles at once.  I am hoping to love it enough to continue on to take Fitness Development and to eventually swim laps with my hubby.  Suz, (my beloved running partner) thinks this has tri written all over it. Well I guess we will see about that.

Last week I started coaching the preseason of Moms on the Run and I am enjoying it immensely.  I had a super special request though which came from my hubby.  After two years of listening to me talk about running, he has asked me to train him.  I am acting nonchalant about it but I am SO excited.  My husband and running...definitely two of my favorite things.

Okay, now onto my new goals list. April is my month of kindness:
  • Leave a love note, write a thank you, send a card or do a random act of kindness everyday
  • Speak only positive, kind words
  • Be thoughtful
  • Continue to work on goals from last month (practice piano at least 2.5 hours per week & clean up my diet)
  • Begin the search for my inner Nemo (or at least my inner Dory)

Here is to purposely taking the long road sometimes and enjoying the journey.

1 comment:

  1. Brenda - that does have tri written all over it. You go girl! Good luck with the swimming. My hubby does triathlon & I take pics at almost all of them. :o) Carolyn
