Life's Lessons...the journey begins

I have always wanted to start a blog. Not that I feel that I have anything extrodinary to say but life is extrodinary in itself. I like to write and I often forget what happens from one day to next. This is my account. These are my life's lessons...

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Renewals & Wrapping up January

Many years ago, I adopted the tradition of picking a theme for the year.  This year I have set my theme as, My Year of Grace. I did so with the intent of working on a variety of things; in order to become a better person in a multitude of ways. I did something different this year though, I gave each month a subtitle or a focus if you will.
I named January, my month of renewal. I set my three January goals within that realm. This month is quickly wrapping up, but I am happy to say that I have successfully exceeded my blogging goal. I have started saving for a violin. And, I have donated or recycled over 93 items in the past month.

The most daunting goal this month, as expected, was to donate, recycle or toss at least three things for every day of the month.  Not because I didn’t have them to give, but because it was so time consuming.

I thought I was pretty crafty with the wording of that last goal since it would allow me to do it in big chunks rather than having to do a little bit every day, and I took full advantage.  I was able to meet my goal in 3-4 combined raids of my own closet and the kitchen cupboards.

Here is what I learned:
  • Blogging is hard…until you get going.
  • I can save money but I truly would rather spend it.
  • I have always enjoyed donating and recycling but I also hold on to some things way longer than I should.
  • I am glad that I built flexibility into my goals.
I practically enjoyed spending hours going through my closet and cupboards.  I found it to be true that once you get rid of the first couple of items, it becomes easier to pile on.  Mostly, I got rid of clothes that had faded or that I certainly liked…but only on the hanger.  I don’t tend to keep clothes that don’t fit me; mainly because I want the room in my closet for new clothes.

When I attacked the kitchen it was more out of frustration of having to continually duck the falling water bottles when I opened the cupboard or climb in up to my waist to find the right Tupperware lid. This was actually a relatively easy task. Again, I just needed to make the time for it.  I did not cry over getting rid of plastic anything but instead I rejoiced in the organization of my newly found cupboard space.
I am pretty sure that my husband loved my January goal.  He happily transferred my piles into donation bags, walked them to the end of the driveway and arranged for a charity foundation to pick them up pronto.

Now when I am getting dressed and I put on a shirt that is even a fraction too short, too tight/loose, or faded; it goes in the donation pile not back on the hanger.  My world feels a little more spacious and I am off to a great year.

1 comment:

  1. I love you Brenda! You're great. Glad you started a blog.
