Life's Lessons...the journey begins

I have always wanted to start a blog. Not that I feel that I have anything extrodinary to say but life is extrodinary in itself. I like to write and I often forget what happens from one day to next. This is my account. These are my life's lessons...

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Running with Benefits...

It’s interesting to look back at the blog that I wrote when I first started running. Back then, I had a preference to run alone. Now, I couldn’t live without the girls I run with.

I read once that running will make you stronger in more ways than you think. I didn’t give the statement much thought. I started running to fulfill something that I had on my life list; to run a 5k. I remember looking at the schedule and doubting that I would be able to run 30 minutes straight by the end. I thought I would be the one that the program didn’t work for. I am an optimist by nature but I could barely run a block when I started.
I plunged in anyway. I followed the schedule. I felt great. I felt bad. I was happy. I was scared. I was sad. I made friends. I ran a 5k. I was ecstatic. I became so much stronger in so many ways. Running taught me that with perseverance anything is possible. 
Back then I thought I preferred to run indoors. Who wouldn’t want a controlled temperature while exercising? I would hit the track for my work out if I could. But as time went on, I opened my eyes to the beauty of running outside. The sun would fill me with vitamin D and lift me up. The rain would cool me off and the snow would fall gently; making feel like I was in a snow globe. I learned to dress appropriately. I learned to leave one headphone out so that I could hear the wonderful sounds. Running taught me that with a little effort, adaptation and magic happen.
I used to choose my routes carefully; nice and flat. But one of the places I love to run has a fairly hilly section. In order to get the good, I had to run through the bad. I even named the worst of the hills, the f-you hill.  My goal was always to make it all the way up the hill no matter what. Then I could say, f-you and even take a break if I needed to. But as time went on, I learned to love the hills; even look forward to them and to run them all without stopping. Without a doubt, they made me feel like Wonder Woman. Running the hills taught me that I will become stronger by taking adversity head on.
The women I run with have seen me at my absolute worst. They know when I have had a bad day at work or at home and they know without a doubt when I have had a bad day on the asphalt. It’s hard not to form an unbreakable bond when you share blood, sweat and tears. These are the women that have also seen me at my best. They know when something great has happened in my life, they know when I am excited or I have something to celebrate. They are quick to join me in adventure and play. They are my cheerleaders, my best friends.
These are the women who will come to my rescue no matter what the problem is or the time of day. They will lift me up. They will run with me, eat chocolate with me and drink wine with me. I am so grateful for them. Running has taught me that there are no friends quite like the ones I run with.

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