Life's Lessons...the journey begins

I have always wanted to start a blog. Not that I feel that I have anything extrodinary to say but life is extrodinary in itself. I like to write and I often forget what happens from one day to next. This is my account. These are my life's lessons...

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Mini-Happiness Project Begins

I belong to a group called the Aspire Success Club.  The Aspire Success Club is a group of women who set personal goals together and then encourage and support each other in achieving those goals.  We learn together by reading specific books, talking things over and sharing our ideas & personal experiences. I have made many friendships all over the U.S. because of the Aspire Group; this group definitely helps me to be a better person.

This year with the support of Aspire, I am conducting a Mini-Happiness Project.  This means that instead of setting one bold goal for 2013, I will be setting 1-3 mini goals for each month of the year.  I devised this plan by talking my feelings over with the Founder of  Aspire, Dr. Christi Hegstad, who (lucky for me) also happens to be my friend and mentor. Together we agreed that this would be a good project for me because, although I feel that my life is not in need of any major changes this year; I still want to improve. 

For the month of the January, my goals are:
  1. To begin blogging on a regular basis  (at least bi-weekly)
  2. To donate, recycle or toss at least three things for every day of the month
  3. To begin saving for a violin
With the writing of this, I am well on my way with the first goal.  I must admit that I originally had the intention of blogging once per week minimum but realistically, I don't think I will choose to fit it in.  As you can see, I started this blog two years ago and last year I only wrote one blog. 

As for the second goal, I have some photos to share.

On the first day, I was looking for something in the dreaded Tupperware cupboard (which always seems to be in disarray).  I had one of those moments where I just started to pull EVERYTHING out of the cupboard in order to organize it by size and shape.  At the very back of the shelf I found (and recycled) Fig 1. 

After a job well done, I put my feet up. Yes, that is a hole in my sock second toe on the left in Fig 2.  I threw this pair of socks in the garbage.

And lastly, after letting several days rack up, I made the pile in Fig 3.

Fig 1

Fig 2
Fig 3


My third goal is to have saved enough money to purchase a violin in July. This is probably going to be the easiest of these three goals.

Thanks for sharing in my journey. I am glad you are here!  

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